& Self-Guided Tours

Woodward Scenic Tours
Day Tour 4: Birmingham to Pontiac

Traveling along the northern
stretch of Woodward Avenue
brings you to the more upscale communities of Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills. Explore Birmingham's picture-perfect neighborhoods
and downtown shopping district full of unique shops and restaurants. Its exclusive neighbor up the road,
Bloomfield Hills, serves as the picturesque backdrop for Cranbrook,
a world-renowned cultural institution and National Historic Landmark. Your
Woodward scenic tour concludes in the city of Pontiac, an historical city at the
forefront of the automotive industry for many years.
Birmingham [A]
Bounded by Woodward, 14
Mile, Southfield,
and Quarton
Birmingham is home to
higher-end galleries, salons, and boutiques and has successfully maintained
the feel of a small town while providing the benefits of an affluent urban
setting. The City draws not only
residents from the Metro Detroit area but celebrities and sports figures that
are frequently housed in the 5-star Townsend Hotel
located in the center of town. Time
permitting, take a drive or walk through some of the neighborhoods just south
of Brown street near downtown or south of Maple Road just west of downtown to
see beautiful residential areas comprised of new contemporary and restored
Tudor homes.

39221 Woodward Avenue, Bloomfield Hills
Full Tour Page
Cranbrook is an internationally acclaimed
center of education, art, and science founded in 1904 by Detroit philanthropists George and Ellen
Booth and was named a National
Historic Monument
in 1989. Wolf Von Eckhardt, former
architecture critic for the Washington Post, once called Cranbrook the "most enchanted and
enchanting setting in America." The 319-acre campus is comprised of a graduate Academy of Art, Contemporary Art Museum,
historic house, expansive gardens, Natural History Museum, Institute of Science,
and pre-K through 12 independent college preparatory schools. The Art Museum houses the work of world-renowned architects
and sculptors and the Insitute of Science features eleven permanent
galleries, a state-of-the-art planetarium and observatory, and an outdoor
science garden with nature trails. A
highly inspirational and scenic destination!

Pontiac [C]
Bounded by Brown, Telegraph,
South Boulevard,
and I-75
Check out Pontiac and discover a city that rode a
wave of industrial prosperity, particularly in the early to mid-20th
century with the success General Motors.
The city also experienced the other end of the economic spectrum as
GM's troubles in the 1970s and 1980s left Pontiac a shell of its former self. Like Detroit,
its neighbor at the opposite end of Woodward, Pontiac is in revival mode. Downtown Pontiac maintains a lively presence as a
hip entertainment destination and
host of major summer festivals. There are also a number of historic sites
and attractions in and around the Pontiac
area. The city was founded in 1818 and
was named after the famous Indian Chief who made his headquarters here a few
years earlier.
Tour Map
Number of Destinations: 3
Overall Tour Time:
1 day


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Woodward Scenic Tours